
How Long Does Shrooms Take To Kick In

Shrooms or "magic" mushrooms are a drug that is unlikely to cause physical addiction but can cause psychological habit instead. The 2 main psychedelic compounds in shrooms are psilocybin and psilocin. Speaking almost drug tests, these are exactly the compounds the examination will be looking for. The drug's effects tin last upward to 6 hours, but how long do shrooms stay in your system? The detection time volition depend on various factors, including the sample tested or body metabolism. Read further to find out how long information technology takes to experience the effects and when psilocybin will exist eliminated from the body completely.

How Long Do Shrooms Accept to Kicking In?

For most, the drug's effects will become apparent within 20-twoscore minutes of ingestion. However, depending on variables such as the kind of mushrooms and how they were ingested, magic mushrooms can have anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours to produce the effects.

How Long Practise Shrooms Last?

On average, i will feel the furnishings of magic mushrooms three to half-dozen hours afterwards consumption. Later shrooms enter a person's body, the psilocybin tends to reach the bloodstream inside 20 to forty minutes. The drug'southward effects hitting their top when the blood'southward concentration of psilocybin is at its highest. Usually, a top happens almost 90 minutes into the feel. The "peak" usually lasts no more than than an hour, and then the feeling begins to subside from there.

Psilocybin mushroom growing.

How Long Will Shrooms Be Detectable On Drug Tests?

Many drug tests no longer cheque for the presence of the drug itself. Instead, they exam for the metabolites the torso produces when information technology processes sure substances to testify drug employ.

When psilocybin is ingested and so metabolized, it converts into the metabolite psilocin. Some species of mushrooms contain both of the substances. It more often than not takes 20 to 40 minutes for these metabolites to go detectable. As mentioned above, not all drug tests test for substances anymore. Tests may check for sure metabolites that indicate a person has ingested a particular substance.

Psilocybin Half-Life

When i ingested shrooms orally, the average psilocybin one-half-life is approximately 163 minutes. So, 50% of it will have cleared the body in two hours and 43 minutes. If one ingested a small dose, the compound should take about 15 hours to get out the body entirely.

Psilocin Half-Life

The average half-life of psilocin is roughly 50 minutes. Therefore, one-half of the production ingested will be eliminated from the body in a little under an hour. The psilocin should clear out of 1's organisation in most 4 hours and 40 minutes.

However, certain factors can alter the drug's original one-half-life past nearly 64 minutes in either direction. And then, how long shrooms stay in the system can vary. What may clear 1 person'south arrangement in seven hours may take some other person 15 hours.

How Long Volition Shrooms Stay In Urine, Blood, Hair, And Saliva?

Depending on the sample tested on a shrooms drug test, the detection times volition vary. It is also important to note that most routine drug tests will non detect magic mushrooms. The drug volition show up simply on special magic mushrooms drug tests designed for psilocybin and psilocin.

Shrooms on the table in a lab.

Saliva tests are uncommon in testing for the utilize of magic mushrooms equally they can detect it only for a very short fourth dimension, immediately after ingestion.


Urine tests are the most common way of testing for psilocybin and psilocin. Shrooms volition normally be detectable by a urine psilocybin drug exam inside 24 hours. Nevertheless, some trace amounts will exist detected for upward to a calendar week in some users. Sometimes a chronic user, or a user who has ingested a large dose, will have different results.


A blood test would notice the presence of the drug starting around xxx minutes afterwards ingestion. Blood tests will just detect shrooms in one'southward system for a short time, most 3 to 5 hours after ingestion. All the same, drawing blood to notice magic mushrooms is practically unheard of except in the context of scientific research.


Information technology typically takes a few days for a exam to detect the drug in human hair. A hair psilocybin drug test would require 20-50 hair follicles, each at least three centimeters long, to exist taken from the user. Shrooms can remain in the person'south pilus follicles for well-nigh 2 to four weeks after ingestion.

What Factors Decide How Long Shrooms Stay in The Body?

Private factors can touch on the rate at which the body metabolizes psilocybin. These factors can add together or subtract upward to 64 minutes to the one-half-life of the drug. In other words, add or decrease seven hours from the expected elimination time of 14 to sixteen hours.

These Factors Are:

  • Age. A young person will excrete shrooms from his or her torso faster than an older person will. Quondam age factors tin can include health problems or reduced blood menstruum
  • Genetics and Metabolic charge per unit. Genetics tin determine the rate at which a person's trunk metabolizes substances. The faster a person'due south metabolism, the faster shrooms compounds will be cleared from that person's organisation, decreasing the risks of testing positive on a psilocybin drug test
  • Food intake and hydration levels. Ingesting shrooms on an empty stomach volition likely procedure psilocybin more quickly than someone with a full stomach will. Additionally, near of the compound is eliminated through urine. Therefore, a properly hydrated individual may exist able to get rid of the drug quicker than one who is not
  • Liver and kidney office. Someone with an impaired liver function will accept a harder fourth dimension expelling the substance from their bodies and are more probable to have a positive event on a shrooms drug exam for longer
  • Urinary pH. Studies prove low urinary pH levels crusade quicker psilocybin than higher urinary pH levels. A diet loftier in meats, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol results in a lower urinary pH. However, a diet of fruits and vegetables will cause a higher urinary pH
  • Mushroom species (dosage and potency). Some species of mushrooms will incorporate higher concentrations of psilocybin than others. The more psilocybin a person ingests in relation to his or her size, the longer the substance will stay in their organization
  • Modality of ingestion. As mentioned earlier, the one-half-life of psilocybin, when ingested orally, is about 163 minutes. If a person injects it intravenously, psilocybin one-half-life is approximately 74 minutes. In other words, the drug would articulate from the user'due south organisation in just under vii hours.
  • Co-ingestion of other drugs. How long shrooms stay in the system tin also depend on the ingestion of other drugs. Certain drugs can increase or decrease a person's power to metabolize substances such as psilocybin

On boilerplate, the torso will fully eliminate magic mushroom compounds within 24 hours. Withal, it tin can take more time for some users, and so one tin never be sure what corporeality of time will be necessary for the body to go rid of shrooms. Although various factors can touch the elimination, the best way to be sure one will not test positive is to quit abusing the drug. If it's hard to practise information technology solitary, there are treatment programs that can assistance. Because psilocybin mushrooms are unlikely to cause physical habit, drug replacement therapy is not required during psilocybin detox. Withal, professionals' back up is necessary to overcome psychological dependency.

Page Sources

  1. Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs (Sixteenth Edition) Psilocybin, 2015.
  2. KatarzynaStebelska, Assays for Detection of Fungal Hallucinogens Such as Psilocybin and Psilocin, 2016. discipline/article/pii/B9780128002124000844
  3. Ricardo Jorge Dinis-Oliveira, Metabolism of psilocybin and psilocin: clinical and forensic toxicological relevance, 2017.
  4. AmitavaDasgupta, Abuse of Magic Mushroom, Peyote Cactus, LSD, Khat, and Volatiles, 2019.
  5. G Sticht, H Käferstein, Detection of psilocin in torso fluids, 2000.
  6. Rafaela Martin, Jennifer Schürenkamp, Angela Gasse, Heidi Pfeiffer, Helga Köhler, Analysis of psilocin, bufotenine and LSD in hair, 2015.
  7. Donna J Belle, Harleen Singh, Genetic factors in drug metabolism, 2008.
  8. Matthew Westward. Johnson, Roland R Griffiths, Peter S. Hendricks, and Jack Eastward. Henningfield, The Corruption Potential of Medical Psilocybin According to the 8 Factors of the Controlled Substances Act, 2018.

Published on: May 30th, 2017

Updated on: Jan 22nd, 2021

Peter J. Grinspoon, Medico

Dr. Peter Grinspoon is an experienced physician with long-term clinical practice experience. As a former analgesic addict, Dr. Grinspoon knows precisely how important it is to provide patients with constructive treatment and support. Medical writing for him is the fashion to communicate with people and inform them about their health.

Medically Reviewed by

Michael Espelin APRN

8 years of nursing experience in wide variety of behavioral and add-on settings that include adult inpatient and outpatient mental health services with substance use disorders, and geriatric long-term intendance and hospice care.  He has a particular interest in psychopharmacology, nutritional psychiatry, and alternative treatment options involving particular vitamins, dietary supplements, and administering auricular acupuncture.


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